What Makes a Credit Repair Company Great – The Best Credit Repair Companies

The best credit repair companies are able to remove older inquiries from your credit reports. New inquiries account for 10% of your total score and are an immediate cause for concern. These inquiries can make it harder to pay your bills and can lower your FICO score. The best companies can remove old inquiries and help you rebuild your score. Taking action early will help you avoid this mistake. If you need help repairing your credit, check out this article from SFGate! 

Sky Blue Credit

You may have heard about Sky Blue Credit Repair, which is a credit repair company that can dispute negative marks on your credit report. It works directly with the credit bureaus to help you obtain better personal loan rates. The service requires you to fill out a short signup form, and they will send you instructions for sending your credit reports. Fortunately, you can choose which services are the most beneficial for your financial situation. Listed below are some of the services that Sky Blue offers. 

The online registration process for Sky Blue Credit Repair is straightforward and secure. To begin, simply click the orange “Get Started” button. You will be asked to enter your personal details, including your credit card information. Once you have done this, you will receive your free credit report. The website then asks for your credit report and billing information. The Sky Blue experts will review it line-by-line. You can also add a second member for half the price. 

Credit Saint 

In this article, we will look at the best credit repair companies to help you fix your credit. Credit Saint is a leading credit repair company in the US. Founded in 2004, they have earned an A+ rating from the BBB. Moreover, they have an easy-to-understand process that provides you with updates in real-time. This makes Credit Saint a good choice for people who want to repair their credit without spending a lot of money. 

This company offers a free consultation and pulls your credit reports from all three bureaus. This way, you can review your accounts and determine the next step to take. It will challenge any harmful or inaccurate information, such as charge-offs, collections, and identity thefts. Credit saints offer three custom packages. These packages are tailored to your needs. Credit saints can also work with you to establish a payment schedule that works for you. 

The Credit People 

You’ve probably heard of the services offered by The Credit People. However, what is the benefits of a service like this? Credit reports are often the first thing that landlords and prospective employers look at during the application process. A favorable score increases a potential tenant’s chances of securing a new rental. Employers also run soft checks on potential employees. If they have negative items on their reports, they might not be as likely to hire them. 

Unlike many other credit repair services, The Credit People provide a money-back guarantee. They have earned a sterling reputation in the industry. Their monthly membership fee is affordable and includes access to your credit reports each month. Their service is also offered on a month-to-month basis, but they recommend a six-month commitment. And the company’s staff is certified and available eight hours a day. 

Lexington Law 

The Lexington Law Credit Repair Company is a credit restoration firm that has been removing negative items from credit reports for ten million people in 2017. It has helped countless American consumers remove inaccurate, unfair, or unverified items from their reports. In fact, in 2017 alone, the company removed 10 million negative items from credit reports, thereby restoring the reputation of consumers. In fact, some of these negative items were unfounded, incorrect, or unverified, making them easy targets for identity theft and other types of credit fraud. 

The company offers a free consultation and a detailed evaluation of your credit reports. In addition, Lexington Law credit repair lawyers generate dispute letters and send them to the credit bureaus. This results in higher success rates. Customers who hire Lexington Law also receive an online web interface through which they can follow their progress in real time. Every credit dispute is tracked in real time, and customers can easily access the status of each one. They also get monthly credit score improvement analysis and access to a paralegal team.